Forest School Project in Arkhangelsk, Russia
In Arkhanglesk state in the far north east of Russia, entrepid Antonina is establishing a summer school and forest school to encourage young people to return to the villages....
Read MoreIn Arkhanglesk state in the far north east of Russia, entrepid Antonina is establishing a summer school and forest school to encourage young people to return to the villages....
Read MoreI spent a week on Hålogaland Amatørteaterselskap (HATS)'s summer camp where I made a video about the camp with participants which we plannned together and they were sound asisstants for. Hats are using this as a webvideo. We also made a drama in the woods or rather...
Read MoreThis is an unsubtitled pilot for a documentary about the renowned Norwegian photographer Rune Johansen....
Read MoreThis poetic short film for the Norwegian artist Eva Bakkeslett was shot in Nikel North-Eastern Russia over 3 days at the subjects Soviet era apartment. I filmed and Eva did most of the directing while I had an over view of the material ensuring the...
Read MoreAnimate Earth is a documentary film written and presented by Dr Stephan Harding, world-renowned ecologist and colleague of James Lovelock. Stephan puts forward a radical approach to the ecological crises by arguing that many of the problems we now face stem from having lost our...
Read MoreEXTREME CHOICES A short film commissioned for Oslo Extreme Dialogue – Building Bridges to the Future. The event took place on June 18, 2013, in Sophus Lies Auditorium at the University of Oslo. This event is part of a series of dialogues about responses to...
Read MoreTHE MAGIC TABLECLOTH Clive Ardagh was camera/editor on this shortfilm for artist Eva Bakkeslett. “Nelly lives in the industrial town of Nikel in Northern Russia. While the arctic winds are howling outside the window she teaches her 5 year old grandson Gleb the art of...
Read MoreALCHEMY-THE POETICS OF BREAD Trailer for Alchemy-the poetics of bread an award-winning short film I shot and edited with the Norwegian artist Eva Bakkeslett. Screened at Doc fortnight, Museum of Modern Art, NYC and various festivals.(Camera/editor) “A poetic evocation on the alchemy of bread brings...
Read MoreCelebrating the finest food and drink reared, grown and produced within 30 miles of 28th September 2013. 11.00am-5.00pm. Haslemere Museum, 78 High Street, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2LA The event is a celebration of the food and drink that originates within a 30 mile radius of Haslemere,...
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